Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dynasty tributes

I'm hoping all of you will pack up and come to the Memorial Tribute for Mr. T , aka Larry Stephens.  It will be living proof that the story goes on after what we know as earthly life.  I'm sure that Larry has a ring side seat picked out with the Lord for this event .( This seat won't have wheels unless he's already gotten hold of a chariot that someone left unattended. )  Perhaps things won't go exactly as they would if Mr. T were present but the Lord has had an earful before.

My Daddy didn't want a military funeral but my brother went to great lengths to make it happen and the rest of us supported him because Dad was a Medal of Honor recipient and he'd earned it.  The day of the ceremony I have never seen such rain nor had I ever been so cold in my life.  We were in trouble with the Man Upstairs who now sat with the Lord.  When the Honor Guard stepped up to the gravesite with the casket, I just knew they were going to slide in the hole ahead of Dad due to the slippery surface.  Duke Boy was co-leading the interment with the military Chaplain and before the "amen" we heard the planes coming for the fly-over tribute.  I remember jumping out from under the tent to look up and at that moment the clouds, that were nearly touching the ground due to all the rain in them, parted and some light came through so we could see these big planes.  This is difficult to type because of the tears in the eyes--but I just could picture my Dad in that plane looking down and thinking--ok--this was a good thing.  Thanks.(No cheese, real tears.)

I know that the Divine Ms.M., the kids, and Duke Boy will see that Mr. T. is lovingly remembered and honored for a life of service to the United Methodist church, and to a life of Turkey Dynasty.  I'm sure he wishes he'd marketed this part of  his life.  He'd look much better on a t-shirt in his hat than the bearded guys. We then could have all showed up in them for the service.  Actually I'm not sure Mr. T had regrets except not having more time with all those sweet grands.  Keep the stories going so they'll know him. Time for the book, Ms. M.  More tears, no cheese.  Thanks for letting me express my memories of Mr. T. 

My front garden had it's own little Duck Dynasty--Hooch style this morning.  My pix didn't upload.  Had 3 visitors with feathers who waddled up to check out the grounds.  Fed them some bread--is that bad?  Made Double N jealous since I don't feed him.
they both wear hats well, don't you think?

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