Monday, October 12, 2015

Birth Month news

Sitting on my porch listening to music drift down the river.  Not sure of its source.  Kinda cool.  What a lovely fall day.  You may remember that since October is my birth month that I assume God created the whole month for me. As a little girl the State Fair was always on my birthday.  For me! All this gold, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple in my garden accompanied by the cool breeze on my porch...must be for me!! My world is big enough to share.  Enjoy. 

Commerce must rest a little on Sundays.  This morning I'm hearing trucks amongst the bird songs. Leaves are falling like gentle rain from my oaks. DukeBoy and I returned to our walking routine this morning...can tell I was off a week.  Hip didn't like it.  I didn't stretch before going...

Big week for my brother and sister-in-law and their sons with the opening of the movie, "Woodlawn".  Lots of good publicity . Hope it's a hit.  Check it out if you want to see a football story with a Christian message. I haven't seen it yet.

Prayers for old friends whose parents are ill.  Good news is that in heaven at the customer service window I expect that all questions will just be "hugged out".  Know I will need it.  God will probably be glad to do a face to face loving eyeball of me instead of a continual ear bending to my complaints about this glorious world he gave me. (Currently at least 4 different bird calls happening.)

Our precious little BW died last Monday while I was out of town.  House is very quiet without her.  She never barked but always managed to be wherever you were.  She loved us for just shy of 13 years.  DukeBoy and Rockman gave her a teary burial.  I was out of town.

Good visits with college roomie.  Treated like Queen for a couple of days.  Thanks for the hospitality.

Great wedding of dear beautiful lady.  Wish much happiness to Margaret and Earl.  First wedding I've attended wearing my new rain boots.  Aging is grand.  Makes you as brave as a teen-ager but with appropriate caution.

Our grands continue being grand.  Surprising me daily with their cuteness and love and new ways to defy gravity.