Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Emmaus to clean sweep

"Oh my goodness!"--Shirley Temple moment yesterday.  We had rain.  I didn't even bother to get my umbrella when I left the house.  Not that I had to worry about it messing up my hair--I know, I could hear some of you thinking that!  I was tempted to do a little Gene Kelly--"singing in the rain"...Wonder how many more old movie moments I can coax out of this rain theme??  I am freed from watering this morning so I have a little time to tell you how to manage your day.    OK, here goes....Wish I knew. 

I do know my scripture this morning was from Hebrews 10:24.  It stressed the importance of encouraging each other and worshipping together. Can I get an Amen?  Yesterday at the end of the day we had a shredder explosion in our office.  We had a good laugh while I was womaning the broom as I shared this Vacation Bible School story from last year.  I asked the group of they'd ever heard the word, "Emmaus"  as in Jesus' walk to.."  One precious little Southern girl said, "Yes ma'am, my momma says that about my room all the time."  We had a great laugh and didn't feel as discouraged by the event that kept us from a clean exit.  No pun intended but  I know you appreciated anyway.

Today is Wednesday. "You is kind. You is good. You is important."  The Help.  Had to get in one more movie.  I'm looking forward to the new Merle Streep & Tommy Lee Jones movie about marital therapy.  I'm really hoping the therapist doesn't come off like a dope or a violator of boundaries.  I love both of the actors and I'm hoping it'll encourage folks to call for an appointment.

By the way ---USA Gold --Women in Gymnastics--also Swimming---wahoo!

Peaceful day to you.

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