Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lilies, cheesestraws, peaches and Saturday on the Hooch

My Cataba lily got chomped on by the hoppers yesterday--they are unbelievable--moved it to the backporch so they'd at least have to climb for it.   This is the before pix. I can't take a pix of the after--too sad.

Unbelievable to me also that it's Saturday again.  I was ready for it.  There are some estate sales I want to catch but I'm trying to force myself not to leave the yard.  I have way too much to do plus I already own way too many earthly treasures.  I have a booth where I sell things--for Pete's sake.  Please go to Bluffton Street Antiques in Lanett and check out my Christmas in July sale.  50% off. 

Quote for the day from The Upper Room on worry.  "You can't saw sawdust." Love it.  So many of our worries are just that.  Philippians 4:6 has a plan for worry.  Check it out.  Time tested. 

Continue to pray for my lovely friend whose sweet husband's funeral was yesterday.  Also for a beautiful couple getting married this evening.  Peace and love to Meredith and Danny. 

Have a wonderful Saturday.  Sit in the shade with some sweet tea.  If you can get your mouth on LuAnne Berlin's cheese straws to go with it --heaven.  She and Craig catered the rehearsal dinner last night .  I told her my only regret was that I'd left my purse at home and couldn't shove the cheese straws on my table in it.  Later she brought me a "go" bag full of them.  I need to hide those before Duke Boy gets up.  Her website is so you can order your own.  Be sure and tell her I sent you so I can stay in "go" bag status.  :) Peaches from Carroll Farms in Woodbury, GA will also taste great with the above combo.


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