Sunday, December 28, 2014

Final thoughts on 2014

Bon vivant.  My French readers get that . for the rest.. go to Wikipedia .

I have a little display honoring Paris in my living room--inspired by my Parisian Christmas dishes. Less costly than a run to Paris for lunch.  One can still dream.

December saw visits from good friends and good family too.  Last party of the season last night.  Good to see everyone on the Erwin side.  Dirty Santa was replaced by Bingo.  Duke Boy won a roll of duct tape which he regifted to our great nephew.  Please don't tape your brother to the wall with it.
He is a creative kid.  Maybe I'll ask for an Eiffel tower from duct tape.

Our boys were the main source of entertainment this holiday season.  Makes me feel all gushy inside to know that my parents once looked at me with such joy.  My Mom did a good job of that with me last night.  She was all cute in her fur vest.  My goofy nephew, you know who you are, kept saying it was "squirrel".   She seemed glad to have most all of her chickens in one coop last night. 

Prayers to all of you for a bright new year.  Prayers for peace and healing.

this shot was taken by me.  Hanging out with professional photographers helps you raise the bar. 

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