Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cat spas and personal shoppers. Let's go to Paris.

Cat spa open tonight and Double N is using the tanning bed.  He had a fit to get in on the porch on Friday until I opened the spa again.  Some folks just have to get ready for summer. His fur does look pretty under the light.  He checked in last night for his treatment while Duke Boy was beating me at Canasta.

Insomnia relieve right now.  Eyes just popped open.  Must be eventful in Paris ?

Trying to do a little winter whittling of things not wood. Be sure to go by Bluffton or the Goodwill to see what left my home.  Valentine's Day is just around the corner....Fluffed my booth a little and put everything red or heart-y on display together.  I know some of us  have to see someone else's idea in order for it to hit us right between the eyes.

 Back in the day a girl could go to Casual Corner and get the sales lady to help dress you--as in bring you an outfit that went together.  Where are those folks?  I need a free personal shopper at an AFFORDABLE business. Remember when you went in a dressing room and the sales lady took your clothes to the room, Knew your name, and then asked you what else she could get for you??? I know Coldwater Creek still does that but too $$$ for me.  Ok, enough of retail rant. 

Good news..ranting has proven to be relaxing--headed for bed again. Au revior.

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