Amazing how much more knowledgable I am since starting this blog. ...I did not say smarter. I just read about Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia--look it up. Someone there--are you reading this?---clicked on this page. Does that amaze you as much as it does me? See I'm one of those who goes to our local Wal-Mart and thinks--who are all these people?? and why don't they open another check out line?
Bottom line--thanks to all of you who continue to click on this page--it's very inspiring.
Cover up all those baby plants tonight---35 degrees, really? The birds are a little quieter this morning. Probably trying to find their sox. I knew I hadn't bought plants yet for a reason-- paying taxes a main reason--I don't count my 3 tomato plants, my lettuce on the back porch, my zinna seed in all my pots. I NEED blooming things. My hydrangea from church is a spectacular shade of blue with those lovely mop head blooms. Perhaps it won't get that cold tonight??? Beware gardeners.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 to everything there is a season.. This is what happens when we get ahead of our seasons.
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