Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Convertible Therapy

Psalm 19 (New Revised Standard)

1 The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork

    That's a big ole AMEN!

Traditionally Duke boy and I take off on Easter Monday to enjoy the day.  Since he preaches when he's not cooking my meals or digging holes for me, the Lenten season is filled with activities at the church which keep him pretty busy.  Oh, don't forget March Madness--that's all that basketball stuff--it's another couple time stealer.  I've tried to enjoy basketball on TV, actually I haven't tried that hard, OK sometimes I watch the last few minutes of a game or I step in to see the score. 

Back to yesterday---we stopped and filled up the tank on the Cruiser with that solid gold fuel and set out for lunch at the Callaway Gardens Country Store.  We are still veganing so we split the Veggie Burger--I didn't eat the cheese.  Forgot to mention the top was down, the windows were up, and I had a jacket on.  After lunch the windows came down too.  What a perfect day for cruising.  The rhododendrons, native azaleas(orangy), irises, and delphiniums are gorgeous now.  We also did the short hike on the LBJ Wildflower trail.  It's a good hike if you're not disabled in any way--a few steps and up and down hill.  We learned some names of things in our yard that maybe we won't pull up next time--oops. 

Drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!I didn't buy a single new plant yesterday.  We stopped at THREE plant places--all our usual haunts -- and I just "looked with my eyes".  Donnie bought a peony bulb and a small pot of verbena. Please put these on your pray list.  We are lousy with both of these plants.  Of course, in our golden years I have been know to grow things from seeds.  Do NOT tell my squirrels.  They think I gave up on that idea so they don't know to come on my back porch or in the front garden anymore. 

Another great part of the day was the free passes we had to get in the gardens.  Thanks to those loyal Callaway volunteers, the Davis family.  Thanks y'all.

I couldn't make that bold go away so I went with it.  Hope all of you have a marvelous Easter Tuesday.

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