Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Blessings from the Hooch

Pakistan has clicked on today.  Welcome to the Hooch. 

Praying for dear friends today who are grieving  the loss of loved ones, health, and jobs. 

It sprinkled on my yard for a minute.  The day here is overcaste enough that little BW is under the ottoman anticipating a storm.  She has extra sensitive nerve endings when it comes to thunder.  Bless her.

Peace to you from the Valley today. 

Hot time in the old town

I have 7839 movements on my Smart Health watch today. This must be why I am too tired to type this.  I think most of those were steps.  Watering...watering... and did I mention watering?  It is some more kinda hot here.

I'm getting some furniture at my booth at Bluffton Street Antiques.  Check it out this weekend. It will be then before I get it there.  Perhaps I can move it in the middle of the night when it's cooler. 

Watching the Olympics is amazing.  I loved the opening ceremony funny James Bond episode with the Queen.  She and my Mom are the same age and even look similar but my Mom is still prettier.  Sorry Queen Elizabeth.  My Mom is also an Elizabeth as am I.  I think I was probably named after her.  I certainly have a Queen's temperament.

Have a wonderful night's sleep.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Circle of protection

Selections from Psalm 34  The Message

When I was desperate, I called out,
and God got me out of a tight spot.

God's angel sets up a circle
of protection around us while we pray.

I have several people in mind today while posting that scripture.  Know that I carry you all in my heart. Death, sickness, difficult life decisions are among the tight spots.  I like the idea of God's angel setting up a circle of protection around me while I'm praying. Maybe that's why "my spot" in the living room corner is where I end up when I'm needing comfort, direction, inspiration?

Turn your back on sin; do something good. 
                               Embrace peace-- don't let it get away!  also from Psalm 34

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Eden's bounty revisited

Lord, I my vows to thee renew;
Scatter my sins as morning dew;
Guard my first springs of thought and will,
And with Thyself my spirit fill.
  The Hymnal from the Protestant Episcopal Church in the US in 1892

This is from my latest estate sale treasures.  Tiny little book, leather, with the wonderful feathery pages.  I have added it to my devotional treasure chest for morning reading. 

My Catawba lily had two blooms for a brief fleeting moment yesterday.  When I got home the hoppers had found it.  Very sad.  I need a glass dome like The Little Prince had for his rose. Great little book.

My poor magenta flocks have succumbed to the heat.  They were lovely for a minute.  I'm hoping they'll return to me next year.

Spent time this morning emptying new boxes of peaches and tomatoes into wooden bowls so that I'm tempted with Eden's bounty upon entering my kitchen.  Thank you Lord, for such deliciousness.

Peace to all this Wednesday. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Freezing weather in the Valley

So, chosen by God for this new life of love...compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline.  ...  And regardless of what else you put on, wear love.  Colossians 3: 15 or so 
                                                     The Message

Great Monday morning reminders.

My yard is watered.  I have another Catawba lily blooming--the grasshoppers ate the first one.  They can find my porch--the buzzards.  Gonna be a hot one.  Freeze your underwear before putting it on today.  It worked last night with the frozen T shirt contest at the church. 

Happy, peaceful Monday to all.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lilies, cheesestraws, peaches and Saturday on the Hooch

My Cataba lily got chomped on by the hoppers yesterday--they are unbelievable--moved it to the backporch so they'd at least have to climb for it.   This is the before pix. I can't take a pix of the after--too sad.

Unbelievable to me also that it's Saturday again.  I was ready for it.  There are some estate sales I want to catch but I'm trying to force myself not to leave the yard.  I have way too much to do plus I already own way too many earthly treasures.  I have a booth where I sell things--for Pete's sake.  Please go to Bluffton Street Antiques in Lanett and check out my Christmas in July sale.  50% off. 

Quote for the day from The Upper Room on worry.  "You can't saw sawdust." Love it.  So many of our worries are just that.  Philippians 4:6 has a plan for worry.  Check it out.  Time tested. 

Continue to pray for my lovely friend whose sweet husband's funeral was yesterday.  Also for a beautiful couple getting married this evening.  Peace and love to Meredith and Danny. 

Have a wonderful Saturday.  Sit in the shade with some sweet tea.  If you can get your mouth on LuAnne Berlin's cheese straws to go with it --heaven.  She and Craig catered the rehearsal dinner last night .  I told her my only regret was that I'd left my purse at home and couldn't shove the cheese straws on my table in it.  Later she brought me a "go" bag full of them.  I need to hide those before Duke Boy gets up.  Her website is www.missredsplace.com so you can order your own.  Be sure and tell her I sent you so I can stay in "go" bag status.  :) Peaches from Carroll Farms in Woodbury, GA will also taste great with the above combo.


Friday, July 20, 2012

Prayers for Colorado

Praying for the victims of the shootings in Colorado today.  So sad for those just trying to grab some final summer time fun at the movies. 

Missed the rain here again yesterday.  Hoping it will come. The grasshoppers seem to grow larger as the rain continues to evade my gardens.  There were about 5 waiting on my front sidewalk last night when I got home.  I was happy to not see them chopping my plants.  I am a hopper stomper so I danced the jig into my house trying to get rid of the pesky critters.  I have a lily in a pot--it has a bloom and they've eaten all my others so I'm hoping to see at least this one open. 

Praying for my friend as she says her good-byes to her husband today. 

Peace to all and prayers for the world today.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The season of presence

Georgia, the Eurasian country, has joined the audience.  I greet you as a fellow Georgian. I have lost count of countries--I think it's 30 now.  This makes me smile. 

Yesterday was a sad and wonderful time to be with a beloved friend and co worker and her family. ( We are also kin through our husbands.) Her husband died and everyone gathered for support and comfort.  I am so fortunate to work for the Pastoral Institute where everyone knows there are days when the only way to be a good employee is to be there for friends and family in times of  joy and sorrow.   

This morning I've got to rush out and set the sprinklers since all the rain went another direction yesterday. 

Peace to all on this Thursday.  Let it rain down like a gentle river.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Planting, peaches and naps

Japan has joined the viewing of this space.  Wow.  Thanks.

Got an activity watch and logged 12,000+ steps, twists, and turns yesterday.  So much for Sabbath rest--I did have a 45 minute nap too.  Sundays are a must for naps--some of the best sleep in the world happens on Sunday afternoons at this house.  Must be a God thing that those naps are the most refreshing of the entire week?? 

I visited nurseries over the weekend and plants phlox near my front door and walk--they smell wonderful.  I never knew this about them.  Mine aren't tall--I hope they will be next year.  Not sure what variety these are since these actually came from Kroger.  They WATER their plants--very important!!! I went to a large chain store and all their plants were crispy--it was very sad.  The worst part was that workers were standing around not saving these beauties.  Rocky Branch Garden Center in Pine Mountain had beautiful caladiums for 50% off and I got 3 pots which had several plants in them.  Also some tall Tick seed and another yellow plant in that family that I can't name.  I had to do a brain scan to remember caladiums. 

Peaches are also coming in strong at Carroll Farms in Woodbury, GA.  Delicious.  They also smell wonderful.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Garden views

Waiting for a wonderful soaking rain.  I'm not watering yet since I believe it will happen today.  Witnessed wonderful rain on Lake Harding last night.  The lake was white-capping and people were scurrying for shore. 

I did take a few shots of my front garden to share with you today.  Have an unthirsty Thursday.

                                            Black eyed Susans and Pink Cone flowers

Limelight Hydrangeas

                                           More cone flowers and elephant ears who wanted in the pix

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hydration in July

Breakfast in the garden.  OK ,it was bowl of cereal with blueberries and strawberries, but the view was amazing.  I saved the life of a cardinal this morning by sending the local chat leaping from my yard. 

You have another Bible School opportunity tonight.  The children are all amazingly sweet, smart, and the teachers are all good looking.  Present company included. 

Remember to water your plants and yourself.  Hydration is key!

Peace to all on this terrific Thursday.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Urbanus tells all

Welcome to my blog, Ukraine.

 I am watering to maintain the life of my garden.  My black-eyed Susans have finally decided that they want to live.  My zinnias are being temperamental and demanding daily watering in order to show off their cuteness. I believe we might be kin. 

Last evening Vacation Bible School started at Shawmut UMC and we had a heap of children.  After our opening event we spent the evening in the cool breeze of the front lawn leaping on the water slide, decorating the sidewalk with chalk, and making fish name tags.  If you are in the area bring your children tonite at 5:30.  They will have fun, learn Bible stories, and be in the company of some new friends.  We will even feed them a snack supper.  I will be the storyteller, Urbanus, the sea urchin.  The name is actually from Romans 16.  It was my scripture this morning and I was needing a sea urchin name.  Don't you love it? 

Peace to all.  Stay cool. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Red, white and blueberry kind of day

Great 4th in the garden.  Peach and vanilla  homemade ice cream, blueberry cobbler, cupcakes and iced star sugar cookies.  Oh, almost forgot chocolate dipped strawberries--in blue icing with white sprinkles from Hedgie boy.  We indulged in the ribs, chicken and other unvegan foods in the house where there was air conditioning and no flies.

I ended the day in the garden listening to fireworks from all over the valley. 

Lovely day spent with family.  Happy 4th to all.

Bucket list:  Macy's 4th of July celebration in Manhattan. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cool in Poland??

Poland and Turkey have joined the readership.  I wonder if it's cooler there?  Today I worked in an office without air conditioning and tomorrow I won't.  I'm not sure how people who work in hot environments do it??  I know my Grandmother never had air conditioning.  She had a huge, wonderful wooden box fan that was as much a part of the livingroom as was her sofa.  Her door was open spring and summer and sometimes fall and winter.  If the screen was latched I have no memory of it.  How did her house stay so cool?

My garden is flourishing despite the heat.  I was gone for a week and Duke boy was in charge of watering.  Everytime I called he reported what plant he'd taken the weedeater to.  He complained about all the work to keep things watered.  I knew he was half kidding but I wasn't sure what I was coming home to.  Pleasantly surprised.  Thanks DB. 

My niece lives in Colorado Springs and reports tonight that the fires are 70% contained.  Prayers need to continue for all. 

Peace and cooler weather.  The rain here today was a welcome blessing.