Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday morning on the Hooch

Chilly( no winged creatures out) on the porch.

Geese honking, birds--lots of birds--chirping up the sun, NoName sideling by the back steps--hunting, flowers in little pots awaiting my presence..."put me in the pot that the squirrel digs in ...please!  I like lying upside down on the blazing hot sidewalk for several hours until you come home again."

Great fun day with DukeBoy yesterday.  Riding the back road of Highway 29N.  Stopped in a couple of stores for bargain hunting--"junque" stores.  Lunch at Sprayberry's in Newnan, old school variety.  Bar-b-que was fab.  Then on to our friends at Southern Roots--like a salad bar of wonderful living plants.  Then to downtown Newnan.  What a hopping place.  Ken's Bargain Store, it's a variety of treasures.   Did make a purchase at a thrift store in Hogansville on the way home.  Lovely crystal wine glasses that match my one- piece- at- a- time etched flower glasses of all varieties that I love to hunt.  They were only $3.95 for 4!! Psyched!

Sad news on the way home.  My sister has a kidney stone.  Hoping it's out by the time I'm writing this.  She is my beautiful older sister who makes Jane Fonda look like a hag.  She is younger than Jane but has less resources for beauty alterations available to her.  She's also married to the same man for nearly 50 years. 

Time to plant!

Peace for your day.  Had lots of fun with the littlest Hedgies this week.  They like to don a blankie and run around the room while you hum the Superman theme song. Too precious.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Not time to eat potato salad

Had the opportunity to visit friends in Palmetto, GA and see their lovely home. While there the man of the house asked me about this blog. I confessed my neglect of this method of connection.
Afraid I'm rusty.  Not for lack of content. 

My grands are still the grandest in the land. Wal-mart is even fun with one in the buggy talking to Leon on the toothpaste box aka pretend phone.  Heaving the bananas over his head from the bottom of the buggy while my attention is elsewhere.  No old ladies were injured...including me .  I'm a good catch. 

Saw my first hummingbird of the season checking out the red on two wind chimes on my porch.  Note to self.  Need red flowers on my porch.  Have bluebirds growing babies in a gourd house on my crepe myrtle. Also house wren in my mother's coffee pot on back porch.  I love river life except for a near broken hip....Here's my side of the story...

Sitting in the dark on my porch.  Talking to my sister on the phone.  Heard a buzzing noise.  Looked to my left shoulder.  A cockroach the size of a Boeing 707 had landed.  Flicking him with my hand while falling to the floor where I was trapped between the chair and ottoman wondering how far I'd flicked that monster.  Remained calm listening to my sister. (She never knew I might be headed for ER.) Finally managed to rock myself out of wedged state.   Thank God for grands.  Got light on, got wooden block--large one--moved a pillow--voila--then kaboom--squish.  Then I told my sister the story.  Life on the Hooch. Never dull.  So glad I wasn't my friend, Ann, because if I was then y'all be remembering me while eating potato salad at the church... she is likely to have a deadly heart attack under similar circumstances.

Watching Dancing with the Stars.  Noah just danced his final dance.  Very moving.  Reminds me of my Dad's daily overcoming of his physical challenges to provide for his family and show other veterans what they could do. 

Get out in all this springiness. Blue sky..wear sunscreen and bug spray in the evening. 

Check out Southern Roots Nursery in Newnan.  Great owners.  Good folks. 

We also have a bakery in downtown West Point and a doughnut shop in Lanett. Oh dear...
Peace from the Hooch.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

My reTired life

Exciting times in the Valley.  Spent two days this week pulling weeds and spreading pine straw.  My results are impressive.  Wish my back and legs could share the enthusiasm for success.  Up in the night due to inability to get comfortable, I think.  Could be the iced tea at supper.  Probably not decaf. 

Did have exciting time travel with the family, minus DukeBoy plus the Divine Ms. M.

  Omaha was our destination.

  Visited there in 1979 to see Camp Sumatanga friend and his wife and returned for a visit while I was there.  They now live in Avoca.  In an old schoolhouse.  Very cool and totally non cost effective but a beautiful save of a great landmark.  They are both musicians and our smallest Hedgies were treated to music, instruments and dancing.  What fun.  The mural covered the wall in the auditorium.   Check out their website

Spring arrived in Omaha about the same time we did.  Crabapple trees, lilac bushes, and tulips.  Oh my...Visited Laurentiz Gardens too.  Wild turkeys looking for girlfriends.  Saw the sign at the front desk about " possible aggressive behavior" after Hedgie Girl gobbled at one of the guys and he responded loudly. Big turkey.  Indoors there was a Lego display with some beautiful creations feature thousands of Legos. Quite impressive.  I remember trying to assemble a Santa leggo--not in my skill set.  DukeBoy did quite well with it.

Too chilly to be outside pulling weeds this morning.  Started this awhile back and didn't finish due to weed pulling.  Nearing the end of pine strawing.  Would have done sooner but DukeBoy and I went to LaGrange Master Gardeners plant sale last week.  We NEEDED another plant.  Got some neat stuff : brown fig tree, moonlight cactus--grower told me that I'd have to stay awake to see it bloom--good luck with that---hostas, bachelors' buttons, herbs.  More things to plant and WATER.  Craziness.