Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Life with Max

Here is a copy of yet another news article.  Can you tell I'm having a fundraiser in about a month.  Yikes!  Hope you all have a great day. 
Love from the Hooch were all the plants are smiling. 

Wahoo, rain, and lots of it.  Duke Boy was doing the happy dance over the weekend.  You know I’m the irrigation system and he was less than enthusiastic when I asked him to be my backup plan in case all my pre-rain planning (car washes, garden watering, and umbrella carrying) fell through.  I went south to visit family which meant he’d have to water if God didn’t. God did a beautiful job. Duke Boy got to play with little Hedgie Boys instead.  I’ve had time to do things other than water since I got home.  Nice.  Plants just love God’s water so much better anyhow. 

While visiting in south Alabama I spent a little time with our newest family member, Max.  Max is an almost four month old German shepherd puppy.  He is probably in the mid-40s pound-wise and has ears that look like he might have some rabbit in him.  Don’t get me wrong he is gorgeous. All that gorgeousness doesn’t negate the fact that he’s a German shepherd.  Bad history with shepherds. Bitten. Twice.  One was a momma dog with new puppies.  My bad.  The other was a bad yard-guard dog from my days of door-to-door social work.  Since Max is in the shepherd family I’m a little concerned about our relationship.  He will be part of family gatherings for years to come.  I will have to walk past him to get to my sister’s house. In a few years I will still be in 60s and slower.  I love my sister and I’m hoping to always be able to visit with her.  My sister has owned some big dogs in her 46 years of married life. They were what I call “south Alabama bulldogs”.  They come up past your waist, are white,  and have heads the size of a calf.  Teeth are usually large and visible or worse yet eyes that appear disinterested. Disinterested eyes are a sign that they are calculating how fast those meaty legs can move. Cell phones were such saving devices from panic attacks when someone would appear after my call to put up the beast so I could get into the house.  Long before cell phones and dog bites I have a memory of visiting my sister and spending time in the car after I’d left something there.  Someone either left something too or noticed I was missing and came to escort me back to the house.  After my dog bite days my personal philosophy became: never buy a dog taller than your knee caps.  This makes the rear and your neck at least a jump away.  Bullet point #2 of that philosophy is: always share your bacon.  Twice this weekend I gave Max bacon.  First I had him sit then said “good boy” then head pat, then bacon.  Didn’t get the second head pat in because he was going for the hand that smelled like bacon.  Welcome to the family, Max.  I promise to always share my bacon and I hope you promise to never bite the hand or any other body part of the one who gives you bacon.   

Speaking of food…

Chattahoochee Federal Credit Union, CharterBank,, Deborah Grossman Law Firm, Shawmut UMC, Lanett UMC are all sponsoring a table for our indoor picnic on August 26, 2014 at noon at First UMC in West Point.  Capital City Bank is also joining us.  The door prizes are rolling in from West Point Tire, Payless Furniture,   Don’t be left out of this fun.  “Join us on the Journey” and hear the Royster, aka Hedgies, Family love story where extraordinary happened.  Our lives go from ordinary to extra daily and the Pastoral Institute is available to help with transitions from birth to death, marriage to divorce, job to job.  The tickets are $35 each, or $375 to sponsor a table. Call us at 334-768-2341 to schedule an appointment or buy a ticket for our picnic.

Karen Erwin-Brown is the director of the Valley office of the Pastoral Institute.  She provides individual, marriage, and family counseling by appointment. Call 334-768-2341 for an appointment.


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