Swing shift--yesterday afternoon--today 5AM. Snuggling with grands is a lot better than putting parts on cars--I'm guessing. The only swing shifting I've ever done was waitressing. It was much less fun than snuggling grands. I appreciate all the cautions re: diaper changing boys--I was not targeted in the night. Got to have some prolonged eye contact after our 6 AM feeding. So precious. They were not sleepy. Twins are like Six Flags without the rides. Hedgie Girl is expert at the scoop with one hand to get them places. I tried out my skills while she was napping. I did ok. No babies were harmed on my watch.
I must learn the Alphabet song. Made up my own this morning. I have the book upstairs--gotta find it. Very proud of the Hedgies. They are doing a great job with their new family members. They are having to figure out how to get some sleep in. Paw and I gave them a little relief this morning so they could get a lion nap which is larger then a cat one. Paw even showed up with biscuits. Sweet man. He is smitten.
Thanks to all who've been on their knees in the prayer closets. Please keep it up. It's working.
We are all grateful.
Headed out to locate fingernail clippers. Gowns with mittens, sox on the hands, ...their nails are so much prettier than mine. and sharper too. Baby bottles are the bomb now. So easy. No air in babies tummies. Thanks Dr. Brown. Did not have to do baby boot camp since they decided they'd eat. Baby boot camp is were you get stripped to your diaper so you'll stay awake to eat. Gotta eat. It's on the list with sleeping and pooping and snuggling.
Peace from the Hooch.
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