Friday, March 28, 2014

OMW and Double Sugharing

Old man winter is hiding under my porch. I know this because he’s already killed all the plants under the plastic area we created there to protected them from him. He must have decided he liked this new spot that offered protection from the wind and rain but still let him be his old freezing self.  This morning I can feel him giving off a chill as I sit listening to the rain come down as a type from my porch. He tells me that he’s gonna go soon, he’s just waiting to see if I’ve gonna plant any of that seed or that plant I got for Valentine’s—it’s a hibiscus and he thinks it looks tasty.  He can see it through my dining room window.    Those beautiful varieties of sunflowers of all colors and sizes that I order from Burpees are also known to him. They will look very yummy and tender if planted before Good Friday.  He knows how impatient I am for spring to REALLY be here.  OMW aka Old Man Winter has watched me drive past Ponder’s Nursery, walk through the Wal-Mart garden shop, and avert my eyes while driving up 29 in Lagrange past the nursery near The Pig. OMW does this to me every year.  He toys with me.  He knows I’m vulnerable.  I haven’t been to the front garden this morning to see if he succeeded in destroying my tulips.  They’d just put their little heads up this week.  I’d tried to encourage them to stay down and not come out.  They got the word that Angie Robinson’s tulips and daffodils were showing off down on Avenue C and got eager to get into the act.  Tulips are vain and deserve to be.  They are amazing flowers.  Angie’s are red and gorgeous.  Drive quickly past West Point Methodist and you will see them on the right in front of the green house with orange trim.  Her yard is always showing off something lovely.  Probably because she works in it to keep it lovely.  Hmmm….She has time …she only has 9 grandchildren and another on the way..I think that’s a correct #.

     Most of you probably know by now that I have two new grandsons.  Twins, yes.  They are double handfuls and precious.  They are already calling for their Sughar when I come in the door.  It’s so great to not have to share a baby with their Paw, aka Duke Boy.  OMW has made it easy for me to be an available Sughar and not have to worry about my gardening.  I’m looking forward to teaching them to pull a wheelbarrow, dig in the dirt, and eat blueberries from the bushes in the summertime.  I’m also hoping them will be excellent grasshopper catchers.  We have those huge black ones that eat everything in their path for several weeks every summer.  I’m sure you will hear many stories if I take the time to write them.  I may have other interests??


Monday, March 24, 2014

Sughar hits the Trifecta

Double Sughar trifecta this morning:

2 babies, 2 bottles and a double boppie.  If u are unfamiliar with a boppee it's like a hug neck hugger pillow but for twins it's a two seater.

Fed those boys at the same time--I am amazing for sure.  I even got to sip a little coffee that was in my Sughar sippee cup when we stopped to burp.  I didn't have to burp--just the boys.

Helped get the boys and their Momma out the door to their first party.  Got Thatcher all cute in his corporate tie onesie and he pooped his pants.  His Momma changed him again while I got his brother dressed.  Tomlin made it out the door with no poopee pants.  Not sure if he got to the party that way ?  The other choice is never leaving the house.  Ever...not a good choice but maybe one for sanity if only one person is doing this parenting thing while the other brings home the Similac. 

I'm not quite sure how my Mom got anywhere.  I was the last middle kid of 4.  My older sister was 5 and my brother was 4 when I was born.  My younger sister is 10 years younger.  There were no car seats when I was baby. Where did you put the baby while you drove if your husband or wife was at work?  I remember holding my sister in my arms in 1963.  I guess I just rolled around on the hot plastic seats in between my sister and brother.  Maybe I rode in the floorboard or in that cool back window.  I did ride a lot in the back window especially coming home from my Grandmother's house.
I didn't ever get my head stuck in the baby bed bars to my knowledge.  60+ years of life with little to no brain damage--at least not during the baby years. One day I'll tell the story of the dishwasher door. I don't think I have?  Like I said brain damage...

Lovely day here on the Hooch.  Glad to have time to share a Sughar thought or two with you. I'm loving Sugharing. Lots of fun.  Peace.

Friday, March 21, 2014

New life on the Hooch

Shazam..second day of spring.  Breakfast with Dex on the Hooch. 

My Dad's story of Gordon McRae over the speakers in South Dakota on a snowy morning in the Army singing "Oh what a beautiful morning" comes to mind.  Chilly, and amazing. "Everything's going my way."

new life in our lives

Looking forward to sharing some of this spring day with my new family.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Date night at the Pig--not an Erma pick

Sad to report that I didn't win the Erma Bombeck writing contest.  Good news is that I can put is on my blog now.... so here goes.
It's a Queen sandwich.

Shopping at The Pig.  Date night for me and Duke Boy with Queen Elizabeth, my Mom.

 Supermarket sweep without the prize-- between Mom’s buggy and Duke Boy’s.

 Duke Boy, my tall, handsome preacher who cooks gourmet, which is why he loves me.  I appreciate gourmet. He’s buying for the widow’s group lunch, his Mom, and our house.

 Check Mom’s buggy. 2 boxes of doughnuts, two pies—lemon and chocolate, a dozen cookies.

Mom’s getting wrinkled on the deli aisle.  She’s 87 and counting.

“Mom, you can’t take all that to the house!”

“Donnie (aka Duke Boy) likes pie!”

“He won’t eat that. He likes his own food. I, on the other hand, have your genes…and will eat anything with sugar.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get your “no weight gain” gene.” 

“Pick one thing from all that Mom.   You like doughnuts for breakfast.  Get those.”

Run back —10 aisles …help Duke Boy find pickle relish so Mom can make tuna salad with just a little instruction and celery salt. “Everything is better with celery salt.”

 Locate energy drink for Duke Boy’s mom. She’s only 83. She sips it while watching the Braves from her recliner.

Back to the Queen.  She’s eyeing the turkeys.  It’s early November.

 “They sell out, you know.”

“Let’s wait. “

“OK.” Sad face.

  “Remember we planned the menu and have limited freezer space. “

 Check buggy—ONE dozen doughnuts from the deli. 

Sprint to Duke Boy.  Get frozen chicken breasts…apples…  Check out.  Use the plastic to pay for three separate orders.  “Whose bill gets the bread crumbs?” 

The Mart-Up trip way worse.  The Queen said tearfully, “I feel like giving up.” Retail therapy time.  Need groceries for Duke Boy’s mom and us.  Left Queen in cosmetics.  She wants to look good when she “gives up.” 

Run to other side of Mart-Up for groceries—back to the Queen.   Three kinds of anti-wrinkle cream in buggy.  Less wrinkles=easy button at Pearly Gates.

Back to The Pig night…vigorously walk to the car with two buggies of groceries.

 Wait don’t leave yet. Don’t forget the Queen.

She’s not hard to locate.  Same aisle—other side.

“I knew I didn’t have long.”

“Only 52 minutes! “ 

 She tells Duke Boy about the turkey she bought. I nod my head, no, to Duke Boy.

 Arrive home, lots of little plastic sacks sorted.  Ours, Duke Boy’s Mom, the widows, and the Queen’s stash.

“Here’s your doughnuts, Mom.”

“I didn’t buy those. You wouldn’t let me.”

“Yes, Ma’am. You did.”

Later that night. “I need to know when you are going back to the Mart-Up.  I have some cream to take back…”

“Maybe you could just give it to me.  I think I’m gonna need it.”

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Springing on the Hooch

Relaxing with Dex.  Watching Rock Man work.  He is never still.  Now he's widening my view by taking down an area filled with brush and weeds.  I got a little gardening in today myself.  Trimmed, broke, grabbed, tore... back my lantana sticks.  They are much lovelier in the summer.  Still smell all minty though--like licorice.  Oops just notice a pile that I need to haul to the road. 

Much more to be done but the flesh is weak today.  Rather save my strength to hold babies. 

Do love walking around with a cup of coffee in the early morning seeing what's coming up. 

Birds just amazing.  Bluebirds checking out our rentals.  We are slum lords.  Got 2 new houses that we need to stage but haven't  yet.  They will actually be clean and unchewed by squirrels.  Squirrels are lousy renters.  They chew out the holes so they can get their hineys in the doors.  Then they eat in bed and don't sweep.  They also don't go far on Saturday night for supper.  Usually just to my new pots of spring and summer flowers.  It's their idea of Ruby Tuesdays. 

Double N hanging out trying to get some feathered snacks.  Sad but true.  He was under my feet while I was de-lantanaing the wall.  I explained that all of me had fallen on my wrist before an if were him I'd get out of my way.  Can you say flat cat?

Enough news from the Hooch.  Time to hold babies.  I think I hear them calling their Sughar.

he's got his Daddy wrapped

Friday, March 14, 2014

Calling all Alabama teachers and friends of them

Twins are a beautiful thing.  Of course, it means you have to do everything twice unless your spouse, parents or friends are present. This morning I was sprinkled by Thatcher after he blew off the pee pee teepee. I've had a ball helping but...

 If you can't come to help with the twice part then there is still a way to help with these precious boys.

  Hedgie Girl is planning to spend some time at home with these boys and she needs your help.  If you are in the Alabama School System Sick Bank and would like to donate some days to help with her maternity leave it would be greatly appreciated. There is a form that has to be completed and if you send me your name and email address either in the comments here or on Facebook then I will see that you get it.  If you aren't a teacher and know one with a generous heart and some sick days please pass along this appeal. 

Adoptions require more than just your regular doctor visits, there is paper work to sign--in Atlanta, and other bridges that have to be crossed in the process.  We are learning this as we go.  All this extra is very worth it and we are very grateful to have double the joy in our lives. 

Thanks for all the love and support.  Keep it coming.

Peace on the Hooch.  Beautiful day too.

Good and twin tired

Blogging on back burner behind baby boys and baby holding.  Sorry.  I can't get enough of those cute little fellows.  They aren't identical but I still can't tell them apart.  They don't care. They just want to be snuggled and fed.  Getting their diapers changed isn't on their favor things list.  I haven't been squirted yet. A friend sent pee pee teepees which are hilarious so I've placed them on the strategic fountain areas.  Thanks GG. 

I'm one of those silly ole gps.  Just hangin out and holdin babies--twins ---so it's no lines and very little waiting. 

Tired .  Gotta rest up for another hard day of baby holdin. 

Peace from the Hooch. 

Monday, March 10, 2014


It's the first Monday of Lent.  Sermon  on not being selfish.  In my Lenten study book story on grandparent holding baby to his heart to soothe.  This story doesn't help with my selfishness.  I could hold babies to my heart--all day! Confusing messages.  The written words were this morning.

 May have to go with the more recent messages from the Holy Spirit.
 How could that be selfish??

Hope all of you have opportunities to be unselfish this week.  Look for them.  They can soothe you too.
East Lake UMC  Birmingham, AL
Our family here from 1986 to 1993

Babies and sunshine on the porch

Lovely day.  Babies, porch sitting, great food, walking with Duke Boy.  Home to a comfy chair. 

Shawmut UMC Lenten service was wonderful.  You are invited to worship, Bible Study on Wednesdays and the Daniel Plan on Sunday evenings.  Take the time to examine yourself , your  relationship with Jesus, and with others . 

Time to see what The Good Wife is up to tonight.  Sleep tight.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Fun times on the swing shift

Swing shift--yesterday afternoon--today 5AM.  Snuggling with grands is a lot better than putting parts on cars--I'm guessing.  The only swing shifting I've ever done was waitressing.  It was much less fun than snuggling grands.  I appreciate all the cautions re: diaper changing boys--I was not targeted in the night.  Got to have some prolonged eye contact after our 6 AM feeding.  So precious. They were not sleepy.  Twins are like Six Flags without the rides.  Hedgie Girl is expert at the scoop with one hand to get them places. I tried out my skills while she was napping.  I did ok.  No babies were harmed on my watch.   

I must learn the Alphabet song.  Made up my own this morning.  I have the book upstairs--gotta find it. Very proud of the Hedgies.  They are doing a great job with their new family members.  They are having to figure out how to get some sleep in.  Paw and I gave them a little relief this morning so they could get a lion nap which is larger then a cat one. Paw even showed up with biscuits.  Sweet man. He is smitten.

Thanks to all who've been on their knees in the prayer closets.  Please keep it up.  It's working.
We are all grateful. 

Headed out to locate fingernail clippers.  Gowns with mittens, sox on the hands, ...their nails are so much prettier than mine.  and sharper too.  Baby bottles are the bomb now. So easy.  No air in babies tummies.  Thanks Dr. Brown. Did not have to do baby boot camp since they decided they'd eat.  Baby boot camp is were you get stripped to your diaper so you'll stay awake to eat.  Gotta eat.  It's on the list with sleeping and pooping and snuggling.

Peace from the Hooch.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How u make peace. Hump Day revisited.


Hump day.  I got nothing.  Ok, not true... got this.  It is on my kitchen cabinet.  Hope this will help you with hump day.  Thanks, Lord.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Watched "Captain Philips" tonight.  Very stressful but couldn't quit watching. 

U2 singing Ordinary Love at the Oscars.  Much less stressful. 

Another beautiful day on the Hooch.  Very unstressful. 

Here's to a stress reducing Monday. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

A day in the life on the Hooch

9483 steps today and a bazillion hedge clips off the camellia bushes.  Need a counter that measured arm movements.  What a great day on the Hooch.  Aleve & I will be tight tonight. 

Duke Boy led the way on a great walk after supper to the Hooch Bridge via the lovely Booker Hills and other West points :).  It was just a wonderful day to be out and about.  Hope you saw that blue sky.

                              this shot was an accident but a good one in case you miss that sky

Had some visitors who heard about the wedding--only problem--5 years too late

                    those tiny dots at the bottom are Canadian geese about a dozen
                                                      they spent the day hanging by the Hooch
                                                         lots of honking, sitting, flapping
                                                        fun to watch

the beautiful bride and her Dad walked down those steps--no geese.

Watching  "The Pursuit of Happyness" with Will Smith.  Great movie.
 Watched "Gravity" last night.
I hoping to hallucinate George Clooney soon.