Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Grateful for the beauty.

Hard to believe that'll I'll get a cool reception from Dex tomorrow.  We've had a grand few days. 
I'm enjoying his company now as I write.  Birds singing, birds pecking, birds flying, birds building a nest in a small opening in an eave.

Bird peeping in with a mouth full of straw as I type.  Looks brown--sparrow? 3 trips in the time it took me to finish the line.  Maybe both of them are at work. 

Clouds look painted on a blue canvas reflecting the rising sun. 

Very loud bird singing up the sun.  Sounds like extreme, eexxtreme, extreme.  It is that.  Extremely beautiful.  Air nippy but ok with my trusty pink LL Bean jacket.  Actually Hedgie Girl's from a ski trip not taken long ago. 

Gotta find a good spot for my new bat house.  Hope I never have to occupy it myself.  It's very thin. 
I can see it from the porch but don't like the location. 

There goes Mr. Extreme again. 

Yesterday I watched two Canadian Geese by the river. Perhaps they'll visit again today? 

So much beauty from my seat.  Just got a kiss from Duke Boy.  He's up. 

Hope all of you find beauty to start your day.

                   Look for it,

                                                                      be grateful,
                                                                                                  share it.

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