Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cats, cold and cuteness

Double N was insistent the I open the spa for him/her?? He came running to me from across the street twice when I was out ---just dashing out with the garbage once, and next... cupcakes for Rock Man.  He was loud, meowing and wet. Double N--not Rock Man.

Guilt from a big ole cat is powerful. It would be a whole lot easier to just let him in.  He could then come in and take over the couch, the kitchen counters, the stairs, the bed, ..

Dreaming of a winter spa

.SHAZAM--get the light--open the spa.

 New spa location, under the porch--think it's warmer there.  He did his cat thing of aloofness about the light, big towel, and box .  Just checked and he's curled up sleeping. 

My scripture this morning from Mark about Jesus feeding the 5000--hospitality. Gotta do it. He didn't take all 5000 home but he did feed them. 

The Russians skated to "Jesus Christ Superstar" last night.  It was beautiful.  Think they took Gold.

Randomness--awake in the night thinking of babies.  Glad they are safe and warm.  I know they are getting excited to meet me.  Sorted their little tiny clothes into drawers with Hedgie Girl and Sartsy. Lots of oohes and ahhs at the cuteness. Keep praying for safe arrivals.
Had to share this great picture of the Volunteer Firefighters in North Alabama.  They are getting the job done.  Thanks guys!. 

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