Craning my neck from my porch to see Stretch, the crane. He's out on a morning walk near the site of the Hedgie vows. That spot is frequented by geese , otter, and coyotes--also Double N. Stretch normally sits in the cove across the river. Recogn he heard about Dex and was checking out the competition. Stretch has been an object of my affection for the last 13 years while he's strutted and preened trying to appear uninterested in the local fish. Those poor unfortunate souls. Will have to point out Stretch to Queen Elizabeth. He appears to have flown off or perhaps has just turned sideways and disappeared. It's not a trick I'm capable of .
Dex is a little chilly today. He may be missing all the guys who have visited him for the last few weeks. Queen Elizabeth will sit awhile with her blanket but it's not like having guys with hammers and power tools. He'll have to learn to enjoy quiet with an occasional train sound.
Y'all have sent my hits over 10000. Thanks for that. Hope you find as much peace today as I have when I sit with Dex on the Hooch.
I love forward to meeting Dex. :)