Double N got my newest baby bird. The poor unfortunate Soul was living in my cable connector box with his 2 industrious feathered parents. I'd witnessed their parental vigilance earlier in the week while conversing on my cell in my car . Several times they flew by my windshield and gave angry bird looks as to my presence in THEIR yard or air space. Double N was told to scat several times when he'd parked himself underneath the car listening for the chirps signaling the launch of the fledglings.
When I arrived home last evening all that was left for these proud parents was another sidewalk gift for me. I know this is what cats do but it doesn't mean I have to like it. I didn't pet him,I fussed but I didn't turn the hose on him while I was cleaning the sidewalk. I DID think about it.
Surely, there's a better way to do these launchings. This little Soul has announced his presence with loud chirping for days now. Perhaps the sad parents delivered a safety lecture to his sibs if there are any.
On a happier note--a friendship that has survived since 3rd grade with Ms. Sunny was celebrated yesterday with a post 4th visit. She and Jim Pop arrived looking like the Clampetts with furniture for my booth at Bluffton Antiques in Lanett. Mumpsy and Jim Pop shared great stories about little future Miss Sunny. Duke Boy and I are going to give them some schooling on dolls today. They raised a boy so they are out of their element.
Hopefully lessons are learned in the bird world--loud chirps are emitting from my cable box.
Peace for the day to all God's creatures.
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