Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Redundancy and sleepless

I am awake in the night.  I long for freedom from worry about all of life woes.  I have discovered a new group on Pandora .  The Waillin' Jennys.  Love the name and love their music more.  I hope I will be in their section in heaven so I can be sung to sleep by them.  Even better if sleeping isn't an issue and chocolate chip cookies and Vanilla Almond milk are on the 4AM snack bar. Just Goggled them and asked for a local tour to benefit the Pastoral Institute.  Pray.  They are three lovely women who have appeared on Prairie Home Companion. Bucket List spot.  Also many awards.  They are currently touring but keep West Point and Valley open as a possible venue.  The Langdale Theatre in Valley, AL is a lovely facility for performances--hint, hint. 

OK time to read me back to sleep.  Jodi Piccoult, a favorite author, The Storyteller. 
She never ceases to amaze me with her characters.  I did not expect this story when I bought the book.  It's on my Kindle.  As are Free samples of books I'm reviewing in preparation for a group.  Wow--talk about an easy life...

The Valley Times News/West Point Times-News is kind enough to publish my writings --for the last ten years or so .  Today I'm posting an article I sent to them yesterday.  Excuse the redundancy for those who follow me there or who are fortunate??enough to be on my email list.

                                                      Bunnies and Stretchers

I’ve taken up more time to study during Lent. Lent, for those of you who don’t practice it, is the 40 days leading up to Easter. Most folks chose to deny themselves something during Lent. I’ve been reading more scripture, and studying a book from our church Bible study.  I’ve also taken up writing more notes and cards.  I’ve done this because “giving up” something has never been a strength for me. Someone in my women’s circle said that I was giving up the time to do the things I would be doing if I wasn’t studying and writing.  OK.  Maybe so?  Maybe I’m enjoying it too much...Not enough self denial.  There’s always next year …
I also flipped my home from winter to spring.  If you follow my blog, www.rivgarden.blogspot.com then you know I seriously dust my house about once a quarter when I change the decor according to the season. Winter and Valentine’s are done—winter doesn’t know that it’s done but inside the four walls of my home, I have banished it.  Well, the faux fireplace with the heater is still there and was going strong last night as was our furnace, but I am in denial about winter.  Easter bunnies grace my stairs, mantle, kitchen window, and small Easter tree which also has palm crosses from Palm Sundays of the past.  The bunnies have stories as do my Santas but most of them are connected to Lucy.  She has already taken the ones to her new home for decorating  but I got to keep most of the bunny family.  Many members of the Bunny family were made by a church member from a previous congregation.  Those bunnies became Erwin-Brown’s during Lent and attended many worship services.  I’m sure they could quote lots of scripture if brought to life.  Of course, that could get messy and I did dust already…
Lent is a time of remembrance of Jesus’ suffering.  Banishing winter is my way of shaking off the coldness and looking for life to come from the ground and from within.  Suffering …no snakes in the desert… no need to get to the Promised Land.  God allowed his Son to be defeated so we wouldn’t have to be—getting through feeling defeated is difficult.  The book I’m reading talks about being stretch bearers for those who need our help much like the man lowered through the roof in scripture.  Google it if you aren’t a Bible person.  I’m hoping that notes can count as stretching bearing because I can’t always be present for those who I know feel defeated, sick, or sleepless.
Who are your stretcher bearers?  Who do you know that needs one?  Maybe you are it??  One of the hymns that can send me to weeping  is “Here I am Lord.  Is it me, Lord?  I can hear you calling in the night.  If you need me, I will follow.  I will hold your people in my heart.”
The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus - 40 Days of Reflection
Abingdon Press / 2012 / Paperback
I’ve listed the name of book that’s been a good read for me this Lent. The song is “Here I am, Lord”

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