It's fair weather--as in time to go to the fair. I remember that one of the advantages of growing up in Birmingham was that it was home to the Alabama State Fair for all of my youth. I also remember that I thought it came to town for my birthday. Schools were let out early at least one day of that week so students could go to the fair. I think we were supposed to go to the exhibits, and we did--sometimes--you had to see the hogs, and chickens--we were city slickers. The Midway was the happening place though--the rides, the games, the weird sideshows--my Mother never took us in those--You could win a huge teddy bear for a nickel--or a million nickles. The first one I ever remember seeing anyone that I knew win was my sister's now husband. He won her a huge black and white bear. I was in 8th grade and that was all about loving someone when you were willing to pitch nickles, and then tote this giant stuffed bear all around for your sweetie. It would be another few years until a boy did that for me.
October is such a magical month. I was born. Monarchs are migrating to Mexico. Pansies and "Johnny-jump-ups, aka violas, mums, pumpkins,cooler days, warm sunshine, birthday cake, birthday lunches, birthday cards. Yes, it's an all about me month.
How are you celebrating October and fall? Gardening, painting, visiting with friends.
I took today and wrote out my prayer list and then I wrote some notes to those people on my prayer lists. I like cards so much that I think everyone must. Maybe I will make that my goal for October to pray and write more cards to those in my prayers. Better goals than "musts".
Peace from my glorious spot on the Hooch.
Martha Stewart's recipe for grandbaby Jude's birthday. Duke Boy added pecans to the layers.
The sad spot on the outside of this cake came when Duke Boy couldn't get the cake dome to release it from it's grasp. After sitting near the stove for a few minutes all that butter let go of it's grip. I wish I had a recording of the birthday song--hoo-lar-e-us!
You have many more days in October to celebrate. Will likes to celebrate all month long! Glad you got the cake. Now how was it?