Apologies to Valley Times readers--this will be duplicated in print. You do get to enjoy great pictures with this one though. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday.
Resting on my porch after vacation. Hiking in the Alps. Ha. Most of you know if I’d been doing that
that I wouldn’t be writing about it because I wouldn’t have returned unless it
was in a small urn. I admire people who
can do those kinds of adventures. A hike
through the streets of Paris is still on my bucket list.
The most difficult part of my vacation was the one time I
carried a car seat complete with baby from the car to the condo. I did not have to volunteer for that
opportunity again. Hedgie Girl can
balance one on each hip if she has too.
If push comes to shove I could run for my life with a baby on each hip—without
the car seats—ok –if it was life and death I could carry the full car seats and
the car. It did not come to that—thus
the word, vacation.
Back to vacation. I
never cease to be amazed at how many seashells God still makes. I only made it home with a small jar of
mainly interesting pieces. If truth be
told most of them were a rescue of cast offs from some serious shellers. One perfect specimen did await me on the sand
as I loaded up chairs and all the paraphernalia that one has to take to the
beach with twins. When I picked it up I
flashed back to a year ago when I picked up such a beautiful shell from the
waters’ edge that I looked around to see if someone had placed it there for me
to find. It appeared to be store bought because it was empty, perfect, and
highly polished. It is somewhere in my
Back to vacation again.
The boys were amazed with sand and of course wanted to taste it. We did our best to not let that happen but
salty fingers are even more amazing than plain ones when you are seven months
old. It made bo-bo (pacifier) stealing particularly intriguing. Keeping them from poking fingers in each
other’s eyes while bo-bo stealing is the biggest issue when they are left to
sit in the sand or on a blanket together.
Now it’s a cute behavior but we try not to encourage it by laughing too
much. They already are very interested
in the other brother’s toy even if it’s identical to the one they are currently
holding. Seems we don’t have to teach

Vacation again.
Sunrises, shrimp, sand, salt, security.
People on the beach at night with flashlights chasing sand crabs. Sitting on the balcony each morning and
evening, I was in awe of the beauty and security. I have that same feeling as I sit on my porch
this morning. I am grateful for this
feeling and sad for those who don’t have this kind of wonderful life.
Back to real non-vacation life: thanks to all of you who made the fundraiser
for the Pastoral Institute such a success.
The food, venue, door prizes, table sales, donations, program,
volunteers. Amazing just like sea shells.
Karen Erwin-Brown is the director of the Valley office of
the Pastoral Institute. She offers
counseling for individuals, couples, and families by appointment only at the
Shawmut United Methodist Church. Call
334-768-2341 for more information or to schedule an appointment. She and her husband, Donnie, also facilitate
the Naomi group, a support group for women who are grieving the loss of a
spouse or partner. The group meets on the second Thursday of each month at noon
at Shawmut United Methodist Church. A
lunch is provided. Call 334-768-2341 to
make a reservation for the November 13th meeting.